Dr. Vajayjay’s “Privatize Those Privates!” Not At All Like Vanessa Scott’s VaginalSurgery.Info
Posted in Editorials on March 6th, 2012by Elizabeth
Tags: BodyPositive • Feminism • Health • Sex
Never in a million years would I have imagined myself to be using the word “Vajayjay” in a the title of a blog post that had my name on it – it’s a euphemism I find incredibly unsavory, especially because of its origins – but I will make an exception for this video. Produced in association with The New View Campaign, this video is a brilliant satire of the current state of cosmetic vaginal surgery. It came to my attention after a discussion with Vanessa Scott from vaginalsurgery.info in the comments section of a post I wrote asking people to sign a petition for greater oversight of labiaplasty. Apparently for some reason, this video and a link to my post were also featured on their website even though Ms Scott accused me of assuming women are “stupid easily misled.”
What I find telling is that on vaginalsurgery.info, and in the comments on you tube, Vanessa and/or one of her colleagues makes light of it, claiming to enjoy the humor, “Obviously, if you see a doctor like this, RUN.” and insisting that in reality, cosmetic surgeons are nothing like that at all. However, on this blog, Vanessa used many of the same tactics that the fictional (and according to her sensationalized and “clearly put together by a group that has not bothered to talk with any women that have actually had the procedures done.”) Dr.Vajayjay did.
Creating A Need
In the video, Dr. Vajayjay is asked, “But labia are airbrushed out of porn, so this is not normal at all!” He responds, mugging angelically
“Can Dr. Vajayjay help it if this is what women ask for?”
On Political Flavors, Vanessa Scott says,
The vast majority of women I work with have been contemplating the procedures for years before they choose to go through with them. In interacting with doctors from all over the world, I routinely hear that their labiaplasty patients are the most satisfied post-op patients they have.
In the end all this publicity does is make more women aware that these procedures are available. And while some will be outraged, the truth is whether you approve, ACOG approves or I disapprove, these women want these surgeries and will have them.
On Youtube, “VaginalSurgery” says,
The industry is growing because women benefit from and demand them. Who are you to choose for them?
The before and after photos in this video seem to be taken directly from vaginalsurgery.info ‘s before & after page which is heartbreakingly titled, “Good & Bad.”
Make It Science
The video has Dr. Vajayjay encouraging other surgeons to use words like “rejuvination” and “labiplasty” which sound scientific but are a lot nicer sounding than “cutting off your labia, doing liposuction on the mons and injecting collagen into the vagina.”
VaginalSurgery.info calls itself, “The Most Comprehensive Vaginal Rejuvenation and Labiaplasty site on the Web!”
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists statement on this issue begins,
So-called “vaginal rejuvenation,” “designer vaginoplasty,” “revirgination,” and “G-spot amplification” are vaginal surgical procedures being offered by some practitioners.
Note that the above scare quotes are from ACOG – not The New View Campaign.
What Women Want
Dr. Vajajay advises doctors to run away when asked about research and focus on “what women want” by providing customer testimonials.
In response to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists statement that
Women should be informed about the lack of data supporting the efficacy of these procedures and their potential complications, including infection, altered sensation, dyspareunia, adhesions, and scarring.
The reason ACOG dropped the ball is because they know full well that their members have been doing these procedures for decades (tightenings & labia reductions). They just hadn’t been marketing them for sexual benefits. Instead of stepping up and acknowledging the procedures and providing the oversight that is now being sought, they chose to denounce them in the hopes they would scare women from wanting them.
That’s exactly what New View is saying these surgeons do – ignore research and turn the conversation back to consumer demand.
Make It Pink
Dr. Vajayjay tells cosmetic surgeons to make these procedures seem like a spa treatment. Use flowers, silhouettes and beach landscapes.
The banner for VaginalSurgery.info is a happy couple on the beach.
I don’t see anything wrong with that, per se. But it’s uncanny how accurate the parody is and to see Scott deny that it is at all accurate is quite comical.
Make it Feminist
Finally, Dr. Vajayjay advises surgeons to “make it feminist.” Remind women that this surgery is what they want and to empower women with “knowledge, choices and alternatives.”
The tagline for vaginalsurgery.info is “Compassionate Advice & Empowering Information”
Dr.Vajayjay goes on to say the best person to present this information is a woman, because, “a woman can never be sexist.”
We women are not as weak and impressionable as some would like us to believe. It is infuriating to me that we women would suggest or propagate that sentiment.
Women are not stupid and easily misled.
But since this is such a private procedure you don’t often hear them screaming from the rooftops about it. And why would they when they are deemed as “victims of society” for desiring the surgery. Is it not our right as women to desire to live happy, healthy and comfortable lives? Or does that make us weak, naive women that all want to look like porno stars?
First she claimed that I as a woman am infuriating for suggesting that these surgeries might usually be unnecessary, and that I am saying that women are stupid and easily misled. And then she dressed it all up in faux-feminist empowerment language. Make it feminist indeed.
I wish that this video was just a humorous infomercial for a fictional doctor that is competing for the clients of McNamara/Troy on “Nip/Tuck.” But it’s eerily close to the way that these potentially harmful procedures actually are marketed to women. The only humor I find is in Vanessa Scott’s denial that she is anything like the caricature on the screen.
March 9th, 2012 at 2:01 pm
All I have to say about this is that Capitalism has taken advantage of what can sometimes be very necessary medical procedures. As usual, certain manipulative people are preying upon other more impressional people’s insecurities to make money, and it doesn’t shock me any more than everything else that is done for money, but it does seriously disgust me. This latest example of Capitalism hijacking medicine really is just outrageous. The people who benefit most are the doctors. Did you read some of the testimonials on the vaginal surgery website?!?! Seriously!?!?
March 9th, 2012 at 3:27 pm
I had not read the testimonials. I have no idea if they are real or not. What is sad is that while some people are happier after getting surgery, others are still unsatisfied or find another body part to be unhappy about.
March 9th, 2012 at 4:03 pm
Hi MissCherryPi,
Appreciate you taking the time to write about this topic again.
As it would seem we have fundamental differences in our view of the world, there is no need for us to debate point for point. But, if you believe in open and balanced communication, then you will see fit to publish my response.
I personally believe all sides of a topic deserve to be heard (thus the link from my site to your first article). 😉
In a previous comment on your orignal post, it was made clear I am a stand for women having the information they need to make decisions they feel are best for themselves (whether they choose surgery or not). I absolutely doubt this will be accomplished by the FTC passing a regulation.
It is being accomplished through people like me that are willing to stand up to ridicule and criticism in the name of EDUCATION. Anybody doing research on my site will notice I do nothing to sugarcoat the potential risks of these surgeries with posts like “Labiaplasty Horror Stories”, “Stitches Come Undone” and as referenced “Good & Bad Photos”.
Right now, I am the only one doing the work you are looking to the FTC to do. A satire video by New View is an attempt at viral marketing to have people sign their petition (which only reached half their goal). But it is not an effective way to communicate with women that are considering these surgeries today. In fact, it mocks their desires and calls into question their ability to make decisions for themselves.
In my opinion, government regulations don’t stop bad people from being bad. And they won’t stop bad surgeons from taking advantage of patients either. My advice would be to protect yourself and not depend on the government to do it for you. While doctors like the guy in the video may exist, they aren’t going to change because the FTC says so.
Inherent in your position is the idea that women don’t WANT these procedures, but that they are simply being marketed to. If it weren’t for those flowery websites and big words like “rejuvenation”, they would have no use for this stuff. As if genital surgery is similar to buying a new car or booking that vacation to Disney World.
Have you ever spoken with any women before or after they have had the procedures done? How about the doctors that perform these procedures (cosmetic/plastic surgeons, gynecologists, cosmetic GYNs, Urogynecologists)?
If not, then how could you possibly know what is happening or what these women want?
If all you have done is watch one documentary with a handful of British teenagers and read one opinion from ACOG, then I’ll have to respectfully inform you that you are not educated on these procedures nor the women choosing them. And for the record, ACOG is not against the procedures, they are against the way they have been marketed. This is an important distinction, that is often glossed right over.
The procedures themselves have been done for decades and it is part of ACOG’s mission to support “the socioeconomic interestes of its members”. http://www.acog.org/~/media/About%20ACOG/StrategicPlanCongress.pdf?dmc=1&ts=20120309T1437492989
I shed a light on a conversation most women would rather not have. The criticism does not bother me. I fully understand why most people may find these procedures unnecessary. It’s because it is not something they would ever consider for themselves. But isn’t everything cosmetic/elective unnecessary? Make-up, manicures, hairspray, tattoos, shaving, laser hair removal, botox, liposuction, Brazilian butt lifts, etc…
There are extreme “feminist” philosophies that would see the world do away with all these things. The only problem being that many women want them. Or do you not believe that either?
We are not all the same. Any true feminist would agree a woman’s right to choose whatever she wants can be the only true goal. Anything less than that would mean somebody else should have the power to choose for me. Thanks but no thanks.
How many baby boys will have their penis mutilated (ooops, guess we should call that circumcision) this year with nothing more than a small cry of concern from the populous? And why is that ok, but a grown woman making a choice for her body is not?
No matter what a woman is considering for herself, we should not be arrogant enough to believe we know what’s right for her.
My site exists as a place for women to ask questions and get answers they are not getting anywhere else. I refuse to make them feel there is anything wrong with them because they are considering these procedures.
Regardless of what you or I think about these surgeries, women will have them done. Condemning them is not lessening the risks or the demand.
My commitment is to being a stand for communication and education in place of judgement and ignorance. As such, I am thankful your article has furthered the conversation.
Best Wishes,
March 9th, 2012 at 4:24 pm
Wow, not everything cosmetic or elective is unnecessary! There is a HUGE difference between reconstructive breast surgery after a mastectomy and “I don’t like the way my body looks, and I’d be happier if I had bigger breasts.” Society makes women, AND MEN, uncomfortable with their bodies and plastic surgeons reap the benefits.
And with regards to circumcision… well, that IS a big debate. It has historically been done because it was mandated by certain faiths (not going to touch that), but now it has been shown to provide certain benefits, like reducing the likelihood that you’ll get an STD.
Basically though, a lot of people dislike circumcision because it is in fact an unnecessary painful procedure, and permanently alters the penis in some bad ways.
I’m not going to state my opinion, because then everyone would know way too much about my son 😛
March 9th, 2012 at 10:05 pm
That doesn’t make sense. If the FTC required doctors to provide certain information to their patients, and they didn’t – the patient would have grounds to sue.
I have read accounts of women who did it because they were experiencing pain during daily activities – and that’s a group of women who will always ask for this surgery regardless of marketing. I also know a woman who was quite concerned because her labia were asymmetrical – when her OBGYN assured her that is a common trait, and not a sign of illness, she was perfectly happy not to pursue further treatment. She was only seeking reassurance that she was normal.
That’s my issue with the marketing, on your website, you say the only people labiaplasty isn’t right for are people who are happy with their labia. What about women who have unrealistic expectations, or who believe themselves to have abnormally large labia but are actually in the normal range? Shouldn’t they be told that what they have is healthy before going under the knife?
Me too. I never said that women who really want this shouldn’t get it. We are talking past each other. We agree that women should be educated about the risks of these procedures, but for some reason (libertarian politics?) you think it shouldn’t be mandated, whereas I think that FTC regulation would be a good thing.
I write a series of posts on eco-friendly cosmetics. I don’t think that bodily adornment is a bad thing. It just shouldn’t cause harm, whether through risk of pollution, ingesting carcinogens or risk of permanent nerve damage.
If you define feminism that way, it’s meaningless. Under your definition, I could say I choose to commit crimes and treat other people with malice. Obviously I could but that doesn’t make it feminist. Everything every woman does at all times unless she is under force or coercion would then be feminist. And that’s simply not true.
September 14th, 2012 at 10:27 am
Great post! There was an interesting article in the Atlantic regarding AVS, aesthetic vaginal surgeries.
Regarding the profit motive, the Dr. Vajayjay video seems to be spot on as this quote from the above article would indicate:
“But for all the talk at the conference about “giving patients what they want,” it was clear that patients aren’t the only—or necessarily the primary—driving force behind the cosmetic-gyn boom. Many of the conference’s OB-GYNs groused that even after they’ve amassed hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical-training debt, their insurance reimbursements are lousy. One doctor said he receives just $1,700 in fees for prenatal care and delivery, and a mere $800 for a hysterectomy. By contrast, a labiaplasty can be done in just a few hours, in-office, for a fee upwards of $5,000 and no “income socialism” to spread the proceeds among hospitals, insurers, and group-practice partners. Underscoring just what this can mean, one conference presenter left his computer’s wallpaper—rotating images of him with his red Porsche 911—up in the background during his PowerPoint lecture. The message was tough to miss: practice cosmetic-gyn, and you too can live the life of a plastic surgeon.”
From my limited research a year ago, I believe the $5 grand to be a little on the conservative side. I saw prices that ranged from 5 to 10 grand.
Here is an interesting quote from:
“Doing such procedures and advertising them with photographs of purportedly “attractive” versus “unattractive” genitalia constitute a violation of the ethical relationship gynecologists have with their patients, maintains Dr. Paul Indman, an ob.gyn. in solo private practice in Los Gatos, Calif.
“What we do is destroy women’s self-esteem [with such photographs] and then charge them a lot of money to fix what we have destroyed. I think our job as gynecologists is to help women understand what the range of normal is, [to counteract] society-caused, society-influenced perceived differences,” he said in an interview.”
My personal observation on many of these “bad” before photos is that is that there appears to be thumb prints on the inner labia as though they had been stretched outward. Let me guess, how these photos are taken.
1. The patient is posed in the standard gyne exam position, pubic hair has been removed.
2. Technician A prepares the camera for focus.
3. Technician B tugs the inner labia out and stretches it to each side.
4. The instant that Tech B releases the inner labia. Tech A snaps the photo.
Again just a guess.
Another guess, Ms. Scott has heard of Dr. Red Alinsod…the creator of the “Barbie” look. Well here is a quote from Alinsod’s website.
“Friday, March 27, 2009
Rising Need for Revision Surgery
As more gynecologists, urologists, plastic surgeons, and cosmetic surgeons perform labial and vaginal surgeries, the need for revision surgery has steadily risen. Most of these surgeons attempting labial and vaginal surgeries have had no formalized training in aesthetic vaginal surgeries. This leads to complications, displeasing appearance, and unhappy patients. An example is a very notable porn star who allegedly had a botched vaginoplasty performed in Beverly Hills by a renowned surgeon. More and more anecdotal reports have surfaced about less than optimal results following labiaplasty surgery such as asymmetry, excess removal of tissue, disrupted blood supply, and pain. Vaginoplasty patients report painful intercourse, tightening only of the entry, lack of deep tightening, and recurrence of looseness. This has given established labial and vaginal surgery experts more secondary attempts at repairing improperly done or aesthetically displeasing surgeries. This has also given a select group of surgeons more and more legal consultations from patients and lawyers alike as the standard of care evolves and grows. In our center, a full 10% of work is done as revision surgery. The number continues to rise as more revisions, resurfacing, re-tightenings are asked for. It behooves a surgeon thinking of perfoming labiaplasty and vaginoplasty surgery to be properly and completely trained before attempting these intricate surgeries. ”
Let me be absolutely clear about the source of the above quote. It is not from some bleeding heart OB-Gyn concerned that women are being ripped off over unwarranted body image issues engendered by porn. Oh no, this is from the great master himself Dr. Red Alinsod from South Coast Urogynecology, one of the founders of the field.
So these procedures are so safe and effective that a full 10% of Alinsod’s patients are “revision” surgery. Now isn’t that a lovely and calming term, befitting palm trees and beaches? Revision! Don’t we really mean CORRECTIVE surgery? Now I wonder who pays for the revision surgery. Oh by the way it appears that Red is not only a skilled surgeon, but a fun loving guy as well:
There was an AD in a local paper in Los Angeles for Designer Laser Vaginoplasty. It featured a photo of 3 women in tiny bikinis, the bottoms of which if any smaller would have been G-strings. The text:
If you can’t wear this with absolute confidence, then you need Designer Laser Vaginoplasty.
You can see the ad here:
Nothing manipulative about that AD. Is it just me, or doesn’t it seem that a more prudent solution would be to buy a bikini with just a little bit more material in the bottom, not to mention the additional $4980 you would have at your disposal to buy maybe not a Porsche 911 but a reasonable used car to drive to the beach?
Ahhhh, yes, Ms Scott mentioned in her reply above:
“How many baby boys will have their penis mutilated (ooops, guess we should call that circumcision) this year with nothing more than a small cry of concern from the populous? And why is that ok, but a grown woman making a choice for her body is not?”
No Ms. Scott you were right the first time, mutilated is the correct word, or at least it is the word that I use to describe myself. I would also say that there is more than just a small cry in objection to infant circumcision. The latest argument for that is now that it inhibits HIV infection based on some shaky data collected in Africa. Yet HIV transmission in Europe where circumcision is extremely rare is about the same as it is in the US, where circumcision is rather common. Either way, if one pursues risky sex without condoms one will get HIV. If there is any efficacy to circumcision, and I question that, it will only on the average extend the period of time that one will remain HIV free. You will get HIV if you do not use condoms and pursue risky sexual practices. So if one must use a condom regardless, how is circumcision beneficial? Sorry, I have strayed.
Getting back to cosmetic vaginal surgery, there are some cases where this surgery is beneficial. Some women do have problems with abnormally large inner labia and the surgery is beneficial, but those women are relatively rare. In my opinion, and yes it is an opinion, most of the demand for cosmetic vaginal surgery comes from porn. First pubic hair was removed to give the audience an unobstructed view of penetration. This also had the added appeal to make the performer appear pre-pubescent. With the hair gone, perfectly normal inner labia became more obvious. Then somehow the now visible but otherwise perfectly normal inner labial became a negative body image issue. I think if one were to do some research, they would find that this issue was non-existent, except in the relative rare cases of abnormal labial hypertrophy, prior to the popularity of the waxed or shaved pudenda.
Yes women have the right to choose what surgeries they deem important. And yes women are intelligent enough to make that decision. But I question whether they are getting all the correct information and whether the weigh all the considerations. Also how much pressure is being exerted by “lovers” who spend too much time watching porn? If a man is pressuring a woman to get an expensive and potentially dangerous surgery to meet some “beauty” standard established by porn, that woman need a new man. Plenty of men feel that women are quite beautiful in their natural and variable state, and we value the woman for herself not for the size of her labia.
Five questions should enter a woman’s mind prior to having a designer vagina surgery:
1) Why was this surgery non-existent in 1980?
2) Why does a OB-Gyn get $800 for a hysterectomy but can charge $5 to $10 grand for a labiaplasty?
3) Who is going to see the benefits of this surgery?
4) Do you fully understand the risks? Is nerve damage acceptable?
5) Do you want this surgery, or does someone else?
Finally let’s consider this. What if designer vaginal surgery fell under the usual hospital insurance coverage with the same criteria of payment, professional requirements, and litigation concerns, would there be the same push by OB-Gyns to do these surgeries?
September 14th, 2012 at 10:35 am
Hi, hsextant, thanks for commenting.
That post about “Rising Need for Revision Surgery” is really terrifying.
September 14th, 2012 at 11:42 am
Oh my don’t use such a harsh term as “terrifying”, we could offend the delicate sensibilities of the industry that is performing this valuable and beautifying service to women. Ain’t that something, from the master himself! I always make sure I copy and paste it, just in case Red decides he doesn’t like the impact of what he has said. I hate to see a 404 error on such a juicy quote!
Last December in London a feminist group staged the Muff March to protest cosmetic gyn surgery and the removal of pubic hair, both promoted by porn. Unfortunately I have found no information on a 2012 march and at the New View Campaign, I found no activities for 2012. I hope this issue does not fall out of the public view. It is rather insane. Here is a link on the 2011 Muff March:
I did a rant on AVS (which I pretty much repeated above) at my blog:
I also did a parody of AVS on Georgia O’Keefe’s Black Iris:
and yes I am P O’ed about circumcision also:
Having been mutilated myself, I hate to see women being convinced that their beautiful bodies are in some way ugly or not desirable from the stupidity that is pushed by porn.
Thank you for this wonderful post.