Happy New Year: Can’t Wait For Midnight (2020 Link Roundup)
Posted in Editorials on December 31st, 2020by Elizabeth
Despite my sorrow and anger I do believe there are reasons to be optimistic, that we have multiple COVID-19 vaccines, and that Donald Trump lost are the two biggest. The love of my friends and family keep me going. Goodbye 2020.
In Case You Missed It:
McCloskeys sue UPI, photographer over iconic image confronting protesters
Kentucky State Police training slideshow quotes Hitler, advocates ‘ruthless’ violence
A high school newspaper uncovered this story! The kids are alright.
An Idaho official left a meeting in tears as anti-maskers swarmed her home
U.S. deports migrant women who alleged abuse by Georgia doctor
How Dangerous Conspiracy Theories Like QAnon Find a Home in Anti-Choice Politics
New York City
What Bloomberg Did to Protesters
Two Queens City Council Candidates Endorsed by NYC-DSA
NY’s Automatic Voter Registration Law Hailed As “Profound Reform” To Elections
City Council Staff Union Becomes First Legislative Union In NY State
WNBA Players—Again—Show the Meaning of Radical Dissent
Definitely check out Flowers in the Gutter by K. R. Gaddy, which is the true story of teenage antifascists trying to build a resistance from within Nazi Germany.
I also recommend Cry Havoc, the memoir of Mayor Michael Signer about “Unite The Right” in Charlottesville. I’ve read criticisms this book that it’s all “white tears” and trying to absolve himself before history. That might partially be true, although sympathetic he is a but self indulgent at times. But the true value of this book is the subtext. When you between lines, you learn how white supremacy works, even if unintentionally. At best it’s like Macbeth.
In Memoriam
Michael Brooks, Political Commentator and Podcast Host, Dies at 36
Remembering Rev. Dr. Hope Johnson
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