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Columbia – The First American Idol

Posted in Editorials on May 19th, 2014

Spending time in the Washington DC metro area for Women in Secularism, I am reminded of the goddess Columbia. Probably the best argument that ceremonial deism is an actual practice, Columbia was first personified in a poem by Phillis Wheatley. She is a mythical goddess representing America, although today we tend to use Uncle Sam or Lady Liberty more often. It’s possible that the statue atop the Capitol is meant to be her.

For a country that is supposedly a “Christian Nation” I find it odd we have a bronze idol of a ceremonial goddess adorning our capitol city.

For further reading: “Sorry Uncle Sam, but Warrior Goddess Columbia Was Our Coolest National Mascot

One Response to “Columbia – The First American Idol”

  1. Steve Bowen Says:

    Is she the inspiration for the Rocky Horror Show Columbia?

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