Who Will Be The Next Republican To Endorse Andrew Cuomo?
Posted in Editorials on October 7th, 2014by Warti
Tags: Ed Mangano • Humor • Nassau County • Politics • Republicans
Today New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo released endorsements from Republican county executives Joanie Mahoney from Onondaga and Ed Mangano from Nassau. Here at Political Flavors, we’re wonder who the next GOP member will be to throw their support behind the Governor. Our money is on New York State Senate Republican Majority Leader Dean Skelos from Rockville Centre. The following is what we’re betting it will sound like…
No one knows more than me how important it is that we stop campaign finance reform dead in its tracks.
And that’s why I’m supporting Andrew Cuomo’s re-election.
I’ve already used Andrew Cuomo’s might to keep me in power in the State Senate. When we meet in his mansion over semi-homemade meals, he affectionately refers to me as “his tool” – and my ego has never felt better.
Where would we be without Andrew Cuomo’s steadfast leadership in pushing for sustained Republican control of the State Senate? Well, we’d have codified protections of reproductive rights, a ban on fracking, tax laws that didn’t overwhelmingly favor top earners, we’d have universal workplace protections for all minorities, and we’d have fair, balanced, independent redistricting.
What an awful mess that would be! It would make New York more of an egalitarian democracy. Ugh.
That’s why I’m here today to say that Andy’s my guy. I even got Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano, who I affectionately refer to as “my tool” to endorse him.
As a Republican, I look forward to further reaping the rewards of an Andrew Cuomo administration as we ensure that New York continues to be the least progressive “blue” state in America.
November 4th, 2014 at 9:01 am
The answer is: Oneida County executive Anthony Picente